School Safety Solutions

Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management (BTAM)

At Public Consulting Group (PCG), we use an evidence-based, multi-disciplinary team approach to identify, evaluate, assess, and support students of concern who present a potential threat to themselves or others.

Suicide Risk Assessment (SRA)

Our SRA solution outlines a clear and effective process for users to follow when performing a risk assessment. The student risk assessment process aligns with your state and district-specific processes and procedures.

Problematic Sexual Behavior Assessment and Management

PCG’s solution for assessing and managing problematic sexual behavior addresses a broad spectrum of student-on-student sexual misconduct resulting in sexual harassment, intimidation, and bullying, which may also be criminal in nature.

Fire Misuse Behavior Assessment and Management

Our solution for assessing and managing fire misuse behavior helps K-12 schools implement a case management approach to handle incidents of fire misuse by students.