Suicide In Schools Courses

Courses by Dr. Terri Erbacher

Suicide prevention and risk assessments have been a top priority in K-12 schools for years, and they have become more critical as student mental health has been stressed like never before. Along with mental illness, trauma, stress, and feelings of overwhelm can lead to suicidal ideation–especially in young people–and may develop into incidents of threat of harm to self or others. To help address this growing need, school districts need to evolve suicide prevention and assessment policies and procedures and be prepared to identify, assess, and intervene with students at risk.

In partnership with author and expert school psychologist Dr. Terri Erbacher, Ph.D., of Erbacher Consulting Associates, PLLC, Public Consulting Group (PCG) is excited to offer four suicide prevention courses. These on-demand, asynchronous, online courses can be purchased for individual, school/agency, or district-wide use. They can help school safety leaders utilize evidenced-based protocols for identifying and assessing students at risk and how to implement processes for screening, assessing, developing safety plans, managing risk, and monitoring interventions and supports provided.

It Takes a Village: Suicide Risk Assessment 101 for all School Staff (SP101)

Photo of a female student being screened for suicide risk


Suicide is the second leading cause of death for 15–24-year-olds and the third leading cause of death for 10–14-year-olds. As students spend most of their day at school, school staff members are in an optimal role to notice early signs of depression, anxiety, or potential suicide risk. This module focuses on myths, facts, and etiology of suicide risk, including how to identify often hidden warning signs and risk factors, and inequities and barriers for minoritized youth. This module will also suggest how to effectively reach out to these students and ask questions regarding their mental wellness as well as upstream approaches for suicide prevention.

At the conclusion of this module, participants will be able to:

  • Conceptualize the etiology and risk factors of suicide
  • Describe the warning signs of suicide
  • Understand the impact for minoritized youth
  • Employ practical strategies when faced with potentially suicidal youth
  • Apply skills to manage your own self-care

Buy now! $100 per user per course.

Technology, Social Media and Youth Mental Health (SP102)

Photo of a student in distress being comforted by a counselor


Social media and technology use by youth continues to rise, and there is much seemingly conflictual research on this use. This module will describe youth social media and technology use and delineate the impact of social media and technology on youth mental health. Both the risks as well as the benefits and opportunities of social media will be discussed. This module delves into suicide prevention strategies that includes technology education for youth and developing school-based technology teams to monitor online use and appropriate utilization of digital mental health tools.

At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Identify risks and opportunities related to technology and social media use
  • Describe the impact of social media and technology on youth mental health
  • Outline how school-based technology teams are integral parts of crisis teams
  • Integrate information and communication technology into both suicide prevention and postvention procedures

Buy now! $100 per user per course.

The Ripples of Suicide Loss: Postvention for Schools (SP103)

Photo of a school counselor consoling male student


On average, there are 130 suicide deaths per day in the United States (AFSP, 2020). For every suicide loss, there are many survivors left behind who are questioning and grieving this loss. This module will explore the complex grief process teens and adolescents face with regard to suicide loss as well as factors that can further complicate this trauma and grief. Further, cultural sensitivity in postvention response and differences in grief processes are examined. Participants will learn practical step-by-step procedures for both immediate postvention response and long-term recovery. The module includes crisis team response to this tragic event at all three tiers of universal, targeted and intensive interventions. Strategies such as safe rooms, memorials, what to do with the empty desk, as well as teacher and parent meetings are discussed

At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Outline differences of typical grief and suicide grief
  • Identify strategies to help youth suffering suicide loss
  • Describe the risk of contagion after suicide loss
  • Integrate suicide postvention strategies into the 3 tiers of response
  • Identify self-care strategies

Buy now! $100 per user per course.

Suicide in Schools: Suicide Risk Assessment and Management (SP104)

Photo of a depressed girl holding her smartphone sitting on high school hallway floor


The ability to conduct an informed SRA is a vital skill for school-based crisis teams and mental health staff. This module focuses upon the Suicide in Schools Model developed by Erbacher, Singer and Poland (in Press) in order to effectively screen, assess, and monitor suicide risk, with strategies for re-entry planning as well as safety planning at both home AND school also discussed. This module will also explore working within a systems perspective, building a therapeutic alliance, utilizing assessment tools, effectively conducting SRA interviews, determining level of suicide risk, and maintaining appropriate documentation and case management

At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Conduct and document suicide risk screenings and comprehensive SRAs
  • Assess level of risk and monitor suicide risk over time
  • Implement re-entry planning strategies
  • Employ practical strategies in safety planning

Buy now! $100 per user per course.

Suicide Risk Assessment Course Bundle (SP 101-104)

Photo of a distressed student comforted by a team of support staff

SRA Course Bundle Discounts Include

  • All Four Courses | SP101, SP102, SP103, SP104

Buy now at a discounted rate! Just $325 for all 4 courses.